MOOCast Week#3
A Google Hangout
July 13, 2011
Participants: Jeff Lebow, Rob Darrow, John Graves, Vance Stevens, Benjamin Stewart, Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller, Sanford Arbogast, Elena Garofoli, Evelyn Izquierdo, Kalyan Chattopadhyay, Helaine Marshall, Tero Toivanen
John Grave's Wiki-to-Speech summary
Ustream Recording
Download Audio File (34MB)
A Google Hangout
July 13, 2011
Participants: Jeff Lebow, Rob Darrow, John Graves, Vance Stevens, Benjamin Stewart, Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller, Sanford Arbogast, Elena Garofoli, Evelyn Izquierdo, Kalyan Chattopadhyay, Helaine Marshall, Tero Toivanen
John Grave's Wiki-to-Speech summary
Ustream Recording
Download Audio File (34MB)
Chat Logs
Hangout Chat
John Graves:
John Graves: Presentation from CITRENZ
Jeff Lebow: we hear you fine
John Graves: Hear you loud and clear guys.
Benjamin Stewart: A whiteboard?
yep or screenshare
Rob Darrow: Good morning
Benjamin Stewart: If Nellie is connected to one of us in Google+, she should be able to hangout.
Benjamin Stewart: bnleez
Benjamin Stewart: Just curious, anyone using Linux?
Rob Darrow: Hi Nelllie can you see this? We see you but no audio from you
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I'm in 3 chats
John Graves: I noticed this in my men's group the other day -- we all wear glasses.
Rob Darrow: Nellie, nice to see you, Sound is good.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: the hangout is the only great thing so far
yes, I remember breeze
Benjamin Stewart: yes, audio is good.
John Graves: Here in Auckland we had a similar setup for multicampus meetings -- wall sized.
What is your local time? 2:24AM here in New Zealand.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: it's much
John Graves:
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: so are the MOOCs good for busines
Rob Darrow: 7digital music player
Benjamin Stewart: sounds interesting
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I love apple!
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: John is going to present at the MMVC11:
It's muted,now
I was writing in the chat so much for the breathing, Jeff.
John Graves: Not hearing much about SCORM now.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I just invited people. I'd like to see how .
John Graves:
Benjamin Stewart: excellent amazing
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: anyone using a mac?
John Graves: Nellie - I'm on a Mac, using built-in iSight.
Hi Elena.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I'm wondering if the camera quality is any better.
How many of you can give invites for google+
Benjamin Stewart: Nellie, your video looks fine, just a lot of light in the background.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Yes, I'm at my sister's house, Benjamin
John Graves:
Benjamin Stewart: I haven't setup any circles yet.
Benjamin Stewart: Hello Evelyn.
yes faster
John Graves: Chrome and Firefox
Benjamin Stewart: sleek
John Graves: Forced to use IE at Uni.
Benjamin Stewart: extensions are great
Benjamin Stewart: yes
Rob Darrow: Hi Evelyn - Can you see this?
John Graves: Attended "iPads in Tertiary Education" yesterday.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller left group chat.
John Graves: Looking to create more content.
Elena Garofoli: Sanford, same with me
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller joined group chat.
John Graves: 10 people! Very good.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I left and had a hard time coming back.
Rob Darrow: Nellie - Which conference are you at? I'm at
John Graves: Etherpad crashed with 10+
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: how relevant is our locations nowadays
John Graves: Can we get folks to visit ietherpad and collaboratively
Vance Stevens: AND the chat works in Chrome
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Rob,
Kalyan Chattopadhyay joined group chat.
Elena Garofoli: I totally agree
John Graves: Cool. Agreed.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I cannot delete what I put in the chatbox before I send it off. Anyone else having these issues.
Benjamin Stewart: Firefox is slow in linux
Elena Garofoli: I'm using Firefox on a Mac with no difficulty
Sanford Arbogast: i didnt notice the chat until now
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Eve never gives up.
Vance Stevens: here it is
John Graves: Chrome on a Mac. Working well.
Kalyan Chattopadhyay joined group chat.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Hi Kalyan
Rob Darrow: Hello Kalyan
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I invited a few people
John Graves: How about links to organizations? I study here:
Benjamin Stewart: I have a question
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller I am faculty at the University of Phoenix
Elena Garofoli: interesting question
John Graves: Following Ben.
Kalyan Chattopadhyay joined group chat.
John Graves: Hello Kalyan.
Kalyan Chattopadhyay: H\ello
Elena Garofoli: but there is still the draw of video, of seeing someone
Benjamin Stewart: I always start with the profile.
John Graves: The Google+ page shows a list of who is in the group.
Kalyan Chattopadhyay joined group chat.
Sanford Arbogast: it stems from AOL text chat a/s/l?
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I prefer google +
Sanford Arbogast: we want to know something about who we are talking to
John Graves: Who is on:
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Hi Stanford
John Graves: How are you using Reader?
Sanford Arbogast: hi
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I like the openness of this MOOC
Rob Darrow: I'm following the "live" events as much as I can and then
the Twitter feed.
John Graves: Found the Google Group problematic.
Rob Darrow: and Google group
Sanford Arbogast: it is definitly overwhelming
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: pick and choose
Sanford Arbogast: i read the google group digests then process some of
hte information
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Jeff, where is the noise coming from? Do you
Elena Garofoli: I was wondering the saem
Sanford Arbogast: i started reading reality is broken and began writing
a blog
Vance Stevens: i'm THINKING about a blog post
John Graves: Attrition is a big problem.
Elena Garofoli: lol Vance
Vance Stevens: not a problem
Benjamin Stewart: I am posting a video to my blog on the ICTs I'm
currently using, challenging others to do the same. also
What happens to the groups after the MOOC has come and gone?
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: not yet
Benjamin Stewart: How do you measure that?
John Graves: Need a tally of who is in every week.
Like a FourSquare check-in.
Elena Garofoli: Sanford, how are you finding "Reality is Broken?"
John Graves: 70-80 dropped off Moodle.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: maybe the Moodle people are elsewhere
love unconference 8 weeks is too long
Benjamin Stewart: I like that idea.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: MOOCs are good for 2 weeks
Benjamin Stewart: I agree.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: but how many are still there?
John Graves: Doing an unconference on Saturday:
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: MOOCs ca\n have a enter door and an exit
door for documentation purposees
but who would go through exit door ?
John Graves: Can we produce a collaborative summary of week 3, like
this one for week 1?
Elena Garofoli: aside from the video focusing on who is speaking anyone
know what determines when video changes?
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I don't think so, Elena, but it's something
I have been asking myself
Benjamin Stewart: I've never liked the "massive" part of it...I'd
rather it be "meaningful".
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I love the massive, Benjamin
Jeff Lebow:
Dr. Nelli Deutsch Muller: Jeff has a great blog with the
John Graves: Jeff: Best list yet.
Sanford Arbogast: elena just click on another person
Vance Stevens:
John Graves: Or years later.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller:
Benjamin Stewart: It took me time to find my "groove".
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: @John, yes, years later...
I always meet some great educators on each MOOC
Elena Garofoli: You found your groove? I;m still looking for mine
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Elena, is your first MOOC?
John Graves: Wayback Machine
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Detective Jeff
Elena Garofoli: I started with the CCCK (?) mooc a while back
but never did much wutih it was too overwhelmed
Rob Darrow: Hello Helaine
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: Helaine Marshall
Benjamin Stewart: much better
Helaine Marshall: am in a meeting and not permitted audio or video
Alex Pickett is addressing us
Rob Darrow: Thanks Helaine, good to see you here...we have been talking
about EduMooc who is Alex Pickett?
Helaine Marshall: but Google + and EduMOOC were mentioned by our
speaker yesterday - Ray Schroeder, so I am following up
Vance Stevens: hi laine
Sanford Arbogast: Alexandra M. Pickett is the Associate Director of the
SUNY Learning Network (SLN)
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I'm here to have fun.
Vance Stevens: well googled
Elena Garofoli: hey Sanford can you mute your mic?
Rob Darrow: "Meaningful" is a personal choice I think ... but if it is
not meaningful, people stop for sure.
Benjamin Stewart: It's more about the personal interaction and not the
total number of participans.
Helaine Marshall: SUNY Learning Network
Benjamin Stewart: I agree.
Elena Garofoli: but the problem is that many faculty I know do not hold
that perspective
Benjamin Stewart: For teachers as well.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: #Elena, exactly
Rob Darrow: Laine - Thanks for that link. Lots of conferences going on
all at the same time. Without this tech, we would not know that.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: well how do we learn, do we learn in an
organized one
I cannot teach you but you can learn
Benjamin Stewart: I agree.
Benjamin Stewart: Thanks everyone!
Rob Darrow: It's on my the open conversation. Every Wed
Benjamin Stewart: I like the idea.
Rob Darrow: Bye everyone...
Vance Stevens:
Benjamin Stewart: me too
Helaine Marshall: thanks for inviting me -
Hi Vance!!!
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: It's up to us
Helaine Marshall: count me in....
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: so we can have one area and do it with Vance
and Jeff
Benjamin Stewart: signing off...take care everyone
Elena Garofoli: Nellie, thanks for the link
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: I love scoopit
Elena Garofoli: bye y'all thanks so much. see you next time
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: bye and thank you, Elena
Hi Tero, great video camera
Dr. Nellie Deutsch Muller: There's a delay from Europe
Thank you, Jeff
yes, for me
Meebo Chat
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